Sell With Us
Selling with Addicted to Handbags couldn't be easier. We aim to offer a straightforward, hassle-free service for selling your preloved designer handbags.
By submitting a quote you agree with our terms of service (s11-13) and note we do not take items from smoke homes. We do not sell Michael Kors, Marc Jacobs, Louboutin, Alexander Wang, Dolce & Gabbana. Please note that during busy periods turnaround may take up to 5 working days and our quotes are valid for 7 days. Please follow the simple process below to request a quote:
1. Provide details and photographs and receive a quote within 48-72 hours.
2. Post the item to Addicted to Handbags.
3. Condition reviewed, authenticity verified and amount paid to you on same day the item is received by us (subject to authenticity confirmation).